Institute of Linguistics & Language Technology

Our research

Our research

NL4XAI Project Logo

Interactive Natural Language for Explainable AI

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 860621.

Collaborators: Albert Gatt (LLT)

MASRI Project Logo

MASRI: Maltese Automatic Speech Recognition

This project has received funding from the University of Malta Research Fund Awards (60k grants).

Collaborators: Albert Gatt (LLT), Carlos Mena (LLT), Lonneke van der Plas (LLT), Claudia Borg (Dept. AI), Andrea De Marco (ISSA, LLT)

MAMCO Project Logo

MAMCO: Maltese Multimodal Corpora

This project has received funding from the University of Malta Research Fund Awards.

Collaborators: Patrizia Paggio (LLT), Alexandra Vella (LLT), Albert Gatt (LLT)

MLRS Project Logo

MLRS: Maltese Language Resource Server

This project has received funding from the University of Malta Research Fund Awards and the Malta Council for Science and Technology.

Collaborators: Albert Gatt (LLT), Ray Fabri (LLT), Claudia Borg (Dept. AI), Mike Rosner (Dept. AI)

ASSIDUITY Project Logo

Assiduity: Intelligent Legal Search

This project has received funding from the Take-Off Seed Fund Awards.

Collaborators: Albert Gatt (LLT), Gordon Pace (Dept. CS), Wayne Pisani (Grant Thornton Malta)

ELN Project Logo

European Literacy Network

This project is supported by the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020.

Collaborators: Natalie Schembri (LLT)

Multi3Generation Project Logo

Multi3Generation: Multi-Task, Multi-Lingual and Multi-Modal Language Generation

This project is supported by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST).

Collaborators: Albert Gatt (LLT), Adrian Muscat (Dept. CCE)

TRACE Project Logo

TRACE: Tracing Racism in Anti-raCist discoursE

This project has received funding from the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI-FM17-42, HFRI 2019-2022).

Collaborators:  Stavros Assimakopoulos (LLT)


DJALETTI Project Logo


This is the umbrella name for a number of projects on the Dialects of Malta and Gozo which have received funding from the Research Seed Fund of the University of Malta. The three current sub-projects are: Phonetic and phonological variation in Maltese, Morpho-syntactic lectal variation in Maltese, and Dialects: Lexical variation in Maltese.

Tliet proġetti bl-appoġġ tar-Research Seed Fund tal-Università ta' Malta li jagħmlu parti minn proġett usa' li l-għan tiegħu hu li jistħarrġu d-djaletti ta' Malta u Għawdex. Il-proġetti li qed naħdmu fuqhom bħalissa huma dawn li ġejjin: Il-varjazzjoni fonetika u fonoloġika fil-Malti, Il-varjazzjoni morfosintattika fil-forom lettali tal-Malti u Djaletti: I-varjazzjoni lessikali fil-Malti.

Collaborators / Kollaborazzjoni bejn:  Alexandra Vella (LLT), Ray Fabri (LLT), Michael Spagnol (Dept. Maltese / Dipt. Malti)

IT Bridge Malta Logo

LT-BRIDGE: Bridging the technology gap: Integrating Malta into European Research and Innovation efforts for AI-based language technologies
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Twinning of research institutions grant agreement No 952194.

Collaborators: Claudia Borg (Dept. AI/LLT), Albert Gatt (LLT), Colin Layfield (Dept. CIS), Lonneke van der Plas (LLT), Michael Rosner (Dept. AI), Patrizia Paggio (LLT), Marc Tanti (LLT), Enrico Aquilina (Dept. AI/LLT)

UpSkills Logo

UPSKILLS: UPgrading the SKIlls of Linguistics and Language  
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme for Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education (2020-1-MT01-KA203-074246)

Collaborators: Stavros Assimakopoulos (Project Leader, LLT), Vanessa Camilleri (Dept. AI), Sandro Caruana (Dept. Languages and Humanities Education), Albert Gatt (LLT), Sarah Grech (LLT), Antonios Liapis (Ins. Digital Games), Paul Marty (LLT), Lonneke van der Plas (LLT), Marc Tanti (LLT), Michela Vella (LLT), Georgios Yannakakis (Ins. Digital Games)

Faces: Lifelike Images From Text

This project has received funding from the FUSION R&I Technology Development Programme 2020.

Collaborators: Marc Tanti (LLT), Adrian Muscat (Dept. CCE)