Resident academics
Prof. Ġorġ Mallia - Head of Department, and Course Co-ordinator - B. Communications (Hons) / BA Communication Studies / Diploma in Journalism / MA Media and Communications (by Research)
Mr Malcolm Bonello
Prof. Saviour Catania
Prof Alex Grech
Prof. Carmen Sammut
Dr Nicole Talmacs
Ms Louiselle Vassallo
Visiting academics
Ms Rebecca Anastasi
Ms Angela Attard Fenech
Mr James Azzopardi
Mr Carmel Bonello
Rev. Dr Joseph Borg
Dr Romina Cachia
Mr Pierre Cassar
Mr Alfred Cauchi
Mr George Cini
Ms Anna Maria Darmanin
Mr Martin Debattista
Ms Therese Debono
Dr Raymond Debono-Roberts
Ms Sera Galea
Dr Monika Malgorzata Maslowska
Mr Alain Muscat
Mr Kenneth Scicluna
Mr Daniel Zerafa
Student Representatives
Mr Andre Farrugia
Ms Thais Farrugia
Administrative staff