Marketing, Communications & Alumni Office



We assist in the production of adverts to raise awareness about your course or activity.

If you intend to place an advert on print, online and broadcast media or on social media (particularly Facebook campaigns) and Google Ads then your first point of contact should be us. We'll help you decide on the best way to reach your goal.

UM publishes adverts in the local newspapers both in print and online. There is a choice of 5, 4, 3 and 2-column adverts which can be in black and white or in colour, following the UM official colour palette.

We produce these adverts and media companies cannot be contacted without the permission of the Office. All adverts must be approved by the Office prior to publication.

These guidelines for adverts on print media will ensure a fast and efficient service:

  1. fill in the marketing request form, so as to inform us in which papers and the date you would like the advert to feature
  2. we will contact you so that you can send us the content in an email or word doc, and the images as separate jpegs
  3. we will create the artwork and pass it by you for your approval. The design will be in line with the UM brand including positioning of logo etc
  4. we will provide the cost of the advert, according to the size of the advert and provide quotations if necessary
  5. provide us with a requisition number preferably 5 working days before the date on which you would like the advert to be published - we cannot book the advert unless we have the requisition number
  6. we send in the booking form as soon as you provide us with the requisition number
  7. we will send the artwork to the media house for the ad to be featured, preferably 2 working days before it is featured.
The same guidelines apply for adverts on online media with the exception that we would need a digital copy of the Purchase Order to be able to place the order.

Paid advertising of events, courses*, seminars and similar events organised by or in the name of the University of Malta are allowed if budget permits. Paid advertisements requested by companies not associated with UM are to be approved by our Office.

Send us your requests for Facebook Ads. We monitor the Ads Manager, located where one can view, make changes and analyse results for Facebook campaigns. Results and analytics will be made available upon request once the campaign is completed.

Images, targeted audiences, budgets or schedules are up to the discretion of the Faculty/Department/Institute/Centre/School. Knowledge about the course and its potential audience is of crucial importance; so if you wish to use Facebook Ads, we encourage you to conduct research about the potential audience before activating an advert.

Images received for Ads have to be of high quality and should not contain more than 20% for the text. For example, if the advert is intended to boost an event, details of the event should only be visible in the complementing text and not on the picture itself.

We can create the image, as well as the landing page linked from the advert, at our end.

*Any mention of or information about UM courses must first be approved by the Academic Registrar.

Contact us.