Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology

About us

About us

Our ethos

The obstetrician-gynaecologist provides primary and preventive care for women's health care needs, with an emphasis on reproductive lifecycle needs. During the teaching programme set within the course curriculum of the Medical Doctorate, the student will be provided with a solid foundation of knowledge and skills to address these gender-specific health care needs. The principles of reproductive health care learned on in these study-units will be integral in whatever area of medicine the individual will ultimately practice.

The study-units have theoretical and clinical components of learning and training. The key to success is participant involvement and commitment. The teaching and assessment approaches used are generally student-centred within the confines of patient rights and decency.

The Department also encourages and supports individuals wishing to pursue a postgraduate career in any aspect of the speciality, both in the academic and clinical field.

Our location

The location of the Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology within the Faculty of Medicine & Surgery of the University of Malta enhances the links that exist between the University of Malta Medical School sited at Mater Dei University Hospital and the Clinical Department with its clinical wards and outpatients sited in the same hospital.