The Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology is responsible for running three study-units integral to the degree of Doctor of Medicine and Surgery within the Faculty of Medicine & Surgery. These three study-units, one run during the fourth year of studies - MDS4018 - and two during the fifth year - MDS4026 and MDS4031 - are compulsory study-units with theoretical and practical components.
The Department further supports students following other undergraduate courses of study integral to the degree of B.Sc. (Hons) Midwifery within the Faculty of Health Sciences (MID1007 - Medical and Surgical Conditions Related to Midwifery and MID3114 - Management of Pain and Perineal Trauma in Midwifery).
Our Department participates in the Medical Electives Programme for undergraduates thus hosting international students for clinical attachments for periods of varying duration.
Medical students are assigned a nine-week attachment throughout the undergraduate course of studies to the clinical department. They are required to regularly maintain their portfolio reflecting their attendance to the clinical and teaching assignments, and to keep a reflective diary on their clinical experiences. Failure to keep the portfolio to a sufficient degree can preclude the student from sitting for his final examinations. The portfolio can be downloaded from the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).
Our Department manages a part-time taught course leading to Master of Science in Reproductive Sciences. This is a three-year part-time course of theoretical-based programme.
We further support students to read for postgraduate research-based degrees leading to a Master of Science, or Master of Philosophy, or Doctor of Philosophy within the Faculty of Medicine & Surgery after due application to the Admissions or International Admissions Office.
We also support students following postgraduate courses within other departments of the Faculty of Medicine & Surgery, and within other UM faculties.