Faculty of Medicine & Surgery

Our staff

Our staff


Prof. Godfrey LaFerla

Deputy Dean

Prof. Lilian Azzopardi


Heads of Department 

Dr Christian Zammit - Anatomy
Prof. Janet Mifsud- Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Prof. Reuben Grech - Clinical Radiology & Nuclear Medicine
Dr Philip Sciortino - Family Medicine
Prof. Peter Fsadni - Medicine
Prof. Charles Savona Ventura - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Prof. Simon Attard Montalto - Paediatrics
Prof. Alexander Gatt - Pathology
Prof. Lilian Azzopardi - Pharmacy
Prof. Richard Muscat - Physiology & Biochemistry
Prof. David Mamo - Psychiatry
Prof. Neville Calleja - Public Health
Prof. Godfrey LaFerla - Surgery


Administrative and technical staff

Faculty of Medicine and Surgery (Mater Dei Hospital)

Main Office
Ms Doris Mangion - Senior Executive
Mr Daniel Colombo - Faculty Office and Medical Elective Programme
Ms Leanne Baldacchino

Faculty Office

Ms Shirley Borg - Faculty Doctoral Committee and MSc. by Research Board of Studies
Ms Alison Joy Farrugia
Ms Michelle Salem Rizzo - Faculty Research Ethics Committee

Medical Elective Programme

Ms Francisca Maria Galea - Medical Elective Programme

Ms Joan Buttigieg
Ms Joyce Sultana

Ms Josianne Spiteri
Ms Bridget Bugeja

Office of the Dean
Ms Marguerite Bonavia - Secretary and Medical Elective Programme

Departmental Staff

Ms Krystle Attard  - Public Health and Family Medicine
Ms Elizabeth Cassar - Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Ms Martine Cutajar - Surgery
Ms Irena Stankovska-Srbinovska - Clinical Radiology & Nuclear Medicine and Faculty Office
Ms Francesca Caruana - Medicine 
Ms Yana Vella Suban - Psychiatry and Scheduling
Ms Christianne Mizzi - Paediatrics and Pathology
Ms Joanne Ciantar - Anatomy


Audio Visual and Simulation Management
Mr Noel Cauchi

Faculty of Medicine & Surgery (On Campus)

Ms Josianne Borg
Ms Alexandra Vella

Departmental Staff
Ms Joanne Navarro - Physiology & Biochemistry
Ms Marguerite Richards - Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, Scheduling
Ms Zvetlana Theuma Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Ms Margaret Borg - Pharmacy
Ms Amanda Calleja - Pharmacy
Ms Joanne Bugeja - Pharmacy
Ms Jessica Alamango DeDomenico - Pharmacy
