The research portfolio in the Department of Pharmacy is broad and covers aspects of pharmaceutical and clinical analysis including point-of-care testing, green pharmaceutical principles, computational chemistry, pharmaceutical quality systems, pharmaceutical regulatory sciences, patient safety and risk mitigation, and pharmaceutical services development comprising pharmaceutical care and clinical pharmacy services, informatics, pharmacacogenetics and quality care standards.
Through pharmacy practice research within the Department, new pharmaceutical service models in hospitals and community pharmacies have been designed, elaborated and launched. Research outcomes focus on processes that increase optimisation of therapeutics whilst striking a balance not to overburden the patient, achieving pharmacoeconomic stability, assessing medication quality, safety and efficacy, supporting equity and importantly access to treatment.
Students following post-graduate doctoral studies through a Doctor of Philosophy degree or the Doctorate in Pharmacy course participate in these research groups and have the opportunity to experience cutting-edge pharmaceutical research in innovative areas including cannabis for medicinal use, biotechnology medicinal products and use and regulation of medical devices.
This work from the research groups has been disseminated through several publications.