Marketing, Communications & Alumni Office

Sign in style

Sign in style

Whatever you say and write bears your signature; so remember to sign in style.

As a member of staff at UM refer to the guidelines and follow these steps to ensure that you are making use of the UM email signature in its correct format:

  1. Highlight and copy the signature template available online:
    Signature for UM Staff
    Signature for JC Staff
    To highlight and copy  the signature use the keyboard shortcuts:
    Ctrl+A and Ctrl+C (for PC)
    Cmd+A and Cmd+C (for Mac)

  2. Go to your Gmail account and press the cog icon to access your Settings.

  3. Under the General tab, scroll down till you find the Signature section.

  4. Press the ‘Create new’ button and create a name for your signature.

  5. Paste the signature template in the space provided.

  6. Amend the details on the template:
    1. insert your name, first designation and credentials
    2. if you hold another position at UM, list it on the second designation line
    3. include the name of your Faculty/Institute/Centre/School/Office, campus address and contact number
    4. you may wish to add a preferred pronoun (he/him; she/her; they/them)

  7. Set the Signature defaults to display your email signature.

  8. Scroll down, to the bottom of the page settings and save your changes.

The video below is a step-by-step guide to help you adopt this standard email signature.