Key findings of an extensive systematic review on social determinants of ESL presented at the event
UM and Western University complete public health collaboration led by Dr Sarah Cuschieri's visit
An update on an important project in the quest towards electrification of transport
This article provides information about the TADA research project
Two studies led by Oceanography Masters students have been presented at the 17th International Coast
A Creative Europe grant was awarded to UM to develop a digital game to promote classical literature
Members of the Department of Environmental Design present research at international conference
Project led by the Institute of Aerospace Technologies
Dr Duncan Paul Attard and Prof. Adrian Francalanza win the Distinguished Artefact Award at ECOOP
The influence of light pollution on marine ecosystems, especially at night, has emerged as yet another stressor which needs to be investigated
University of Malta PhD Student presents her research at the Intern. Conf. on electrical machines
UM researcher Mr Andre Manicolo presented his research at the Aerospace Europe Conference