SESAME is glad to invite you to an ICTP online School on Synchrotron Light Sources and their Applications, the School will introduce young scientists to the design, operation, and research opportunities offered at a modern synchrotron light source and how such sources are realised.
The school will be held over two weeks and will consist of three modules:
- The physical aspects concerning the design and function of the main components: accelerators, insertion devices and beamline optics
- An overview of the arguments that can be made in order to fund and build a synchrotron light source, including socioeconomic benefit, stakeholder engagement, communication
- Overview of common synchrotron light techniques including synchrotron infrared techniques and XANES/EXAFS.
The registartion deadline is on Monday, 5 January 2023 and this is the registartion link.
Some of the topics which will be discussed are:
- Fundamentals of synchrotron radiation from storage rings
- Fundamentals of X-ray interactions with matter
- Design and operation of storage rings
- Beamline design: Photon transport and optics
- Bending magnets and insertion devices
- Project management at a large facility
- Ancillary devices for light sources
- Socioeconomic justification
- Stakeholder engagement/communications
- Starting up user operations at a new facility
- IR microscopy
- Basics of X-ray crystallography and powder diffraction
- Fundamentals of X-ray absorption: EXAFS and XANES
- XRF, TXRF, GXRF and their applications in materials and life sciences
- Tomography
More information is availble on the SESAME website.