Title: Counselling in a World of New Challenges: Cultivating Mental Health and Wellbeing
Date: Friday 11 July – Sunday 13 July 2025
Time: TBA
Venue: Radisson Blu St Julians, Malta
An inspiring conference hosted by the International Association for Counselling (IAC), the Malta Association for the Counselling Profession (MACP), and the University of Malta, with the theme ‘Counselling in a World of New Challenges: Cultivating Mental Health and Wellbeing’, will address the growing pressures faced by people worldwide, making it an essential gathering for professionals dedicated to promoting mental health.
It will be three action-packed days filled with keynote speeches, roundtable discussions, interactive workshops, poster presentations, and invaluable networking opportunities.
For those who can't attend in person, online participation is available to view all keynotes, plenary sessions, presentations, and ceremonies on the Main Stage, although presenting is reserved for in-person attendees.