The University of Malta Library together with a number of other libraries is participating in 'Libraries Day 2016'. To celebrate Libraries Day, UoM Library is organising a number of events during the week leading up to 23 April. The events are intended to draw the public's attention to the many ways in which libraries and information centres benefit society, including the key role they play in creating literate environments.
The activities organised provide the public with some unique opportunities to learn more about the various participating libraries and their collections and the services they provide. This year Libraries Day focuses on the importance of harnessing IT in order to enhance the library experience.
Libraries Day is organised by the Malta Libraries Council and Malta Libraries with the support of the Ministry for Education and Employment.
Faculty of Laws & Theology Library, UoM Branch Library
Faculty of Arts Library, UoM Branch Library
Valletta Campus Library, UoM Branch Library
Junior College Library, UoM Branch Library
G.F. Abela Junior College, Ä uzè Debono Square, Msida
Tuesday, 19 April, 12:00 - 13:00
Presentation 'Digitization, description and dissemination'
The Junior College (JC) Library will host a presentation on 'Digitization, description and dissemination’. The presentation will focus on the ongoing digitization project currently taking place at the JC Library. The audience will be given a basic overview of the digitization process encompassing: scanning process, material, editing, Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and cropping. The next stage covered is the uploading of the digital item on the Institutional Repository (IR) while filling in fields that are used to describe the item (i.e. metadata) in order to make it retrievable online. Dissemination in the context of online items is also explained vis-à -vis digitization projects. The presentation will take place at the Junior College Library at 12:00. Book your place by sending an email on
Faculty of Laws & Theology Library, UoM Branch Library
Faculty of Laws, University of Malta, Msida Campus
Wednesday, 20 April, from 09:00 - 12:30; 13:15 - 16:30
Open Day
The Laws and Theology Library will hold an Open Day. Visitors will be given information about this specialised library and the holdings it houses. Library opening hours are from 09:00 - 12:30; 13:15 - 16:30.
Faculty of Arts Library, UoM Branch Library
Faculty of Arts, University of Malta, Msida Campus
Thursday, 21 April, from 09:00 - 12:30; 13:15 - 16:30
Open Day
The Faculty of Arts Library will hold an Open Day. Visitors will be given information about the Library and its holdings. Library’s opening hours are from 09:00 - 12:30; 13:15 - 16:30.
Valletta Campus Library, UoM Branch Library
University of Malta Valletta Campus, Old University Building, St Paul Street, Valletta
Friday, 22 April, from 09:00 - 12:30; 13:15 - 16:30
Open Day
Open Day
The Valletta Campus Library will hold an Open Day. Visitors will be given a brief history of the Library and of the Old Jesuit College together with a brief description of the Library's holdings. The Library’s opening hours are from 09:00-12:30; 13:15-16:3.
UoM Main Library, Melitensia Special Collections Department
University of Malta, Msida Campus
Friday, 22 April, 12:30 - 13:15
A Library tour of the Melitensia closed stacks
A Library tour of the Melitensia closed stacks
This guided tour provides visitors with the rare opportunity to visit the Melitensia stacks which are normally closed to the public. Visitors will be shown round the various collections within the Melitensia Department and certain material of importance highlighted. Visitors will also be given an insight into how the collection is managed. The tour is limited to not more than 15 persons so be sure to book your place so that you will not be disappointed. To book, kindly send an email on:
Lecture on the Palazzo Falson Library and Archive at the Faculty of Arts Library
Palazzo Falson will be participating in the annual Libraries Day event with a lecture entitled ‘The Palazzo Falson Library and Archive’ that will be delivered by Francesca Balzan, Curator of Palazzo Falson. The illustrated lecture will be held on the 21 April, at 15:00 at the Faculty of Arts Library, University of Malta, Msida Campus.
Amongst the art and historical treasures in the Palazzo Falson Historic House Museum collection are a library and an archive containing little known gems that are of interest to researchers of Maltese history. Francesca Balzan will highlight the contents of these collections, how they have been catalogued by a team of dedicated volunteers and the digitization project that is opening up these treasures to the public.