What are the effects of curry powder extracts on cancer cells? Which species of marine algae colonise mooring buoys in local inlets? Can sea cucumbers and mussels be grown commercially in the vicinity of fish farm cages to reduce fish waste? Which plant species are characteristic of urban areas? Has there been recovery of shore life following removal of the raw sewage outfall at Wied Għammieq? Which environmental factors influence the crustacean fauna associated with freshwater rock pools? To what extent are the biological characteristics of two related marine snails from the same habitat similar? Does the frequency of feeding have an effect on growth of Sea Bream? Does sewage treatment plant (STP) effluent have an influence on shore life?
These and other questions will be addressed by this year’s graduates at the Annual Biology Symposium, which will be held on Saturday 3 December 2016 in Hall A, Gateway Building at the University of Malta, Msida Campus. Each year, the symposium serves to showcase the findings from research projects undertaken by undergraduate (B.Sc.) and postgraduate (M.Sc., M.Phil. and Ph.D.) students at the Department of Biology within the Faculty of Science at the University of Malta. Registration for the event will be open on the day at 08:30.
These and other questions will be addressed by this year’s graduates at the Annual Biology Symposium, which will be held on Saturday 3 December 2016 in Hall A, Gateway Building at the University of Malta, Msida Campus. Each year, the symposium serves to showcase the findings from research projects undertaken by undergraduate (B.Sc.) and postgraduate (M.Sc., M.Phil. and Ph.D.) students at the Department of Biology within the Faculty of Science at the University of Malta. Registration for the event will be open on the day at 08:30.
The symposium is of interest to sixth form and university students taking up biology, governmental and non-governmental organisations that deal with aspects of the environment, and professionals working in environmental consultancy, planning and management. This year’s Biology Symposium in sponsored by the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA).
Copies of the Symposium Abstracts Booklet and the programme will be available on the day during registration. Further information on the event can be obtained by contacting Mr James Fenech at the Department of Biology on +356 2340 2272 or by sending an email to: james.fenech@um.edu.mt.