Christianity in Homer and Vergil
by Prof. H.C.R Vella Wednesday 7 December at 1830hrs
Reading into the depths of Homer's and Vergil's verses, despite the encounter with several gods and goddesses pagan to Christian belief, we are constantly being invited to observe in them values and practices ingrain within the Christian faith and culture. Such values and practices include the deep interest shown by the two authors in divine will and the response of human beings to it in their lives; the very strong belief in the existence of afterlife and the conviction that some time the good are rewarded and the evil are punished, and the awareness of personages in their accounts of the need for prayer and ritual observance. The Iliad and the Odyssey of Homer, together with the Aeneid of Vergil, anima naturaliter Christiana par excellence, serve as spiritual books to all people of good will.