Programme of Christmas on Campus 2016 Activities
1–31 December
Electrical decorations on various buildings around campus.
Christmas decorations in Students House.
Christmas Tree on quadrangle.
Festive background music on quadrangle
Crib Installation on quadrangle coordinated by MKSU
1–22 December
Collection in Faculties/Departments in aid of Id-Dar tal-Providenza and l-Istrina
Selling of Mince Pies, Fig Rolls and Honey Rings in aid of l-Istrina and Id-Dar tal-Providenza
Orders from: Chaplaincy: +356 2340 2341, Precincts Office: +356 2340 2236/2997, KSU: +356 2134 3085/2340 2104 (deliveries provided on request)
Selling of Christmas Poinsettias from Chaplaincy Foyer in aid of Id-Dar tal-Providenza and l-Istrina.
Orders from: Chaplaincy: +356 2340 2341, Precincts Office: +356 2340 2236/2997, KSU: +356 2134 3085/2340 2104 (deliveries provided on request)
Thursday 1 December
12:00 noon: Cultural Tour for University staff to the newly restored St Angelo in Vittoriosa sponsored by the Degree Plus Office in aid of Id-Dar tal-Providenza and l-Istrina. (tickets from the Human Resources Office)
Monday 5 December
12:00 noon: Cultural Tour for University staff to the newly restored St Angelo in Vittoriosa sponsored by the Degree Plus Office in aid of Id-Dar tal-Providenza and l-Istrina. (tickets from the Human Resources Office)
Tuesday 6 December
12:00 noon: Tour for University staff to Esplora in Kalkara in aid of id-Dar tal-Providenza and l-Istrina. (tickets from the Human Resources Office)
9–19 December
Identified students will be around the outside areas of campus collecting money for Id-Dar tal-Providenza and l-Istrina
Friday 9 December
12:30 Inauguration of Christmas on Campus 2016 – An Invitation to New Life organised by the Chaplaincy team with the participation of the University Vocal Ensemble and brass band on Quadrangle, to be followed by refreshments.
13:15 Kevin Calleja to perform on Quadrangle
Monday 12 December
All day – Students Christmas Celebration on Quadrangle coordinated by KSU
Selling of mulled wine and mince pies coordinated by Elsa
10:00 Selling of Christmas Cards written in the Maltese language co- ordinated by Futsal
11:00 Bake Sale & Find Santa Competition organised by Insite
Hot Chocolate Stand coordinated by JEF Malta
Bake Sale and warm drinks coordinated by MHSA
16:30 Radio interview about Christmas on Campus
Wednesday 14 December
07:00 - 18:00 Park & Pay on Campus coordinated by KSU
09:00 - 11:00 GĦST fundraising activity
10:00 Selling of art themed baubles and Christmas decorations coordinated by HOASA
11am Deejay Marathon organised by SDM in aid of L-Istrina and Dar tal-Providenza
12:00 noon Christmas Concert by Junior College Orchestra and singers in the Food Faculty (Canteen)
11am Deejay Marathon organised by SDM in aid of L-Istrina and Dar tal-Providenza
12:00 noon Christmas Concert by Junior College Orchestra and singers in the Food Faculty (Canteen)
12:00 noon IAESTE Christmas Toy Drive
12:30 Wine Tasting Session in the Common Room in aid of Id-Dar tal-Providenza and l-Istrina (tickets from the Human Resources Office)
12:45 Betapsi Mental Health Awareness during Christmas
13:00 President of Malta to visit Christmas on Campus
12:45 Betapsi Mental Health Awareness during Christmas
13:00 President of Malta to visit Christmas on Campus
13:15 University Wind Ensemble
16:30 KSU to visit and entertain at the Rainbow Ward Mater Dei Hospital
20:00 Candlelight adoration in University Chapel in preparation for Christmas
Thursday 15 December
09:00 History Christmas Quiz organised by MUHS
11:00 Christmas Chilli Challenge organised by Betapsi
12:30 Christmas Novena in University Chapel animated by MKSU with the participation of the MUSEUM members
12:30 Wine Tasting Session in the Common Room in aid of Id-Dar tal-Providenza and l-istrina (tickets from the Human Resources Office)
13:00 Performance by X-Tend to perform
Friday 16 December
08:00 - 15:00 Prayer spaces coordinated by MKSU
12:00 noon Candy floss, mulled wine and coconut ball sale organised by MPSA
Jamming session co-ordinated by USPA
12:30 Christmas Novena in the University Chapel animated by GĦST with the participation of the MUSEUM members
13:00 Chamber Music Trio in the University Chapel
Monday 19 December
09:00 Row with National Champions for a Cause organized by Malta Rowing Association
12:30 Christmas Novena in University Chapel with the participation of Laudate Pueri of Victoria Gozo and the MUSEUM members including the Traditional Priedka tat-Tifel followed by a Christmas party in the Chaplaincy Foyer
Tuesday 20 December
12:30 Christmas Novena in Chapel with the participation of the Abramo Community and the MUSEUM members
Wednesday 21 December
12:30 Christmas Novena in University Chapel with the participation of the University Chaplaincy Staff Choir and the MUSEUM members
Thursday 22 December
12:30 Christmas Novena in University Chapel with the participation of the MUSEUM members
Friday 23 December
12:30 Christmas Novena in University Chapel with the participation of the MUSEUM members
Monday 26 December
15:00 Presentation of University of Malta cheque to l-istrina at St Benedict’s College in Kirkop
Sunday 1 January 2017
11:15 Presentation of University of Malta cheque to Id-Dar tal-Providenza in Siggiewi
All fundraising activity will be in aid of l-istrina and Id-Dar tal Providenza.
All activities will be held on Quadrangle under the Christmas on Campus tent, unless otherwise stated. In case of bad weather conditions activities will be moved inside the Food Faculty (Canteen).