The Department of Family Studies within the Faculty for Social Wellbeing at the University of Malta is organizing a three hour seminar on 'Diary methods in studying daily family life' by Prof. Anna Rönkä from the University of Jyväskylä, Finland.
Diary methods are widely used in research as these methods give access and are sensitive to daily dynamics. The mobile diary is a diary research method which utilises mobile phones as tools for data collection. Prof Rönkä will introduce a mobile diary that she and her colleagues have developed and piloted to study relations and daily wellbeing in different groups (parents, children, adolescents, client families). She will also discuss the strengths, limitations and future possibilities of mobile diaries and interventions.
The Department of Family Studies would like to invite interested academics. Master and PhD students are also welcome. The seminar will be held on Monday 16 April at the University of Malta Msida Campus and it shall run from 1700 to 20:00 in Gateway Building Room 205 (GW205).
Places are on a first come first served basis. Kindly contact Ms Renita Agius by email and book by Friday 13 April.