Work in Progress in the Social Studies (WIPSS): 2017/8
A Joint Symposium by WIPSS and the Malta Sociological Association (MSA)
Why Don't the Maltese Care about the Environment?
Chair: Valerie Visanich (Sociology Dept., University of Malta)
Not Everything That Counts Can Be Counted
Maltese Capitalism and the Economic Culture of Speed
Analyzing the Impacts of the Environmental Movement
Work in Progress in the Social Studies (WIPSS) seminars and the Malta Sociological Association (MSA) have decided to hold a number of joint symposia on themes of wide interest and relevance. For our first joint symposium, we have decided to address the problem of managing the environment in Malta. We are responding to widespread alarm that the management of the natural and built environment in Malta is out of control. Three frequent participants in WIPSS seminars will be addressing the question ‘Why don’t the Maltese care about the environment?’ Each speaker will offer a different perspective on this problem, and the audience will be invited to contribute their ideas and observations. They come from different university departments. The Chair for the evening will be Dr Valerie Visanich, Department of Sociology, University of Malta.
Monday 23 April 18:00-20:00, Lecture Centre Room 116, below the Library and LT 1.
The public is cordially welcome. Students are encouraged to attend.