Professor Francesca Tonini, who lectures and carries out research in Restoration at the Ca’ Foscari University in Venice and at the University of Urbino, is currently visiting the International Institute for Baroque Studies as part of an Erasmus collaboration.
Prof Tonini’s studies focus on the restoration of canvas and easel paintings and wooden sculptures. She is the author of a book on Baroque wooden sculptures. Between 2002 and 2007, she was Consulting Advisor at the Getty Conservation Institute in Los Angeles and at the Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Historico in Seville for the ‘Projecto Retablos – Conservation of Wooden Polychromed Altarpieces.' She is the author of the book: 'La Scultura Lignea. Technice e restauro. Manuale per allievi restauratori' (2015).
During her stay she will be delivering lectures at the International Institute for Baroque Studies on the Conservation of wooden artefacts of the Baroque age. A lecture open to the public will be held on Wednesday 13 March at 16:30 at the Le Roi Soleil Resource Centre, Room 307, Faculty for the Built Environment building.
On Thursday 14 March, she will be delivering a lecture at the Istituto Italiano di Cultura, in collaboration with the International Institute for Baroque Studies, titled 'Un miracolo di legno. Sculture, restauri e scoperte.' The lecture starts at 18:00 and entrance is free.