Title: Women in STEM - An evening of discussion
Date: 20 February 2020
Time: 19:30
Venue: Valletta Campus, University of Malta
Although positive steps have been made, women are still widely under represented in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). So we are excited to say that we have a great team of speakers who are more than willing to talk about their experience and how we can move forward towards more equal representation in these subjects.
We have speakers from research and industry, new-starters and veterans in their field, and together with your help, we will use what we learn to create an action plan. A set of recommendations that we will submit to educational institutes and businesses to help attract women into STEM and encourage a long and rewarding career!
Some of the questions we will be discussing include: Why are fewer female students studying STEM subjects, and when they do it is only in certain fields?
What hurdles are there presently that discourage women from staying in STEM careers and what scaffolding can be put in place to help them stay?
For each discussion point the panel will speak about their experience and will receive question from our moderator, but then we open questions to the floor and the panel will try and answer any questions from the audience.
If you are interested in attending, please register to book your seats.