Event: Oedipus and the Plague
Date: Thursday 18 March 2021
Time: 10:00
Venue: Online (Zoom)
Event: Solitude and the Work of the Actor
Date: Thursday 25 March 2021
Time: 10:00
Venue: Online (Zoom)
The School of Performing Arts in collaboration with the Department of Theatre Studies is organising an online SPA Research Seminar conducted by Professor David Wiles on 18 March 2021. Prof. Wiles will also deliver a lecture on 25 March 2021. David Wiles is Emeritus Professor of Drama at the University of Exeter and a member of Wolfson College Oxford. His major areas of historical interest are Greek and Elizabethan theatre, and key themes in his work are festival, mask, and space. His Theatre and Citizenship (2011) covered a broad historical span with a focus upon the French Enlightenment, and he is now working on the relationship of theatre to democracy. His Theatre & Time (2014) was a project that emerged as a complement to his Short History of Western Performance Space (2003).
With Christine Dymkowski, he edited the Cambridge Companion to Theatre History (2013). His most recent book The Players’ Advice to Hamlet examines the rhetorical tradition which for centuries defined the work of actors. His translation of Aristophanes’ Wealth was performed professionally in London in the summer of 2020. He spent much of his career in the Department of Drama and Theatre at Royal Holloway University of London, before moving to Exeter University in 2013, and he now lives in Oxford.