Title: Analysis of Pesticides in herbal medicinal products
Date: Wednesday 16 February
Time: 14:45 - 19:00
Venue: Westin Dragonara Resort
The quality of herbal medicinal products is important for patient safety. One aspect considered is the impact of pesticides used in managing the plants. There is a need for efficient, accurate and reliable methods of analysis to determine amounts of pesticides in herbal products intended for medicinal use such as medicinal cannabis.
An educational seminar Analysis of pesticides in herbal medicinal products is being organised by the Department of Pharmacy on Wednesday 16 February, 2022. The seminar is supported by the Internationalisation Partnership Awards Scheme Plus (IPAS+) 2021 of the Malta Council for Science and Technology.
During the seminar reflections on standardized methods of analysis of pesticides that could be adopted by the industry to support quality, efficacy and safety of herbal medicinal products are discussed. The seminar is intended for scientists and healthcare professionals involved in pharmaceutical processes, analysis, evaluation of herbal medicinal products and patient safety.
Keynote speaker of the event is Professor Simone Ronsisvalle from the University of Catania, Italy. Insights from Professor Emmanuel Sinagra, Chairperson of the Pesticides Control Board and Head of the Department of Chemistry, University of Malta and Professor Everaldo Attard, Coordinator of the Division of Rural Sciences and Food Systems at the University of Malta, will be provided.
The seminar is being held at the Westin Dragonara Resort between 14:45 and 19:00. For further information contact Dr Janis Vella Szijj.
Any interested attendees are requested to register online.