Event: University of Malta SEA-EU Grants Week 2022
Date: Monday 21 March 2022 - Wednesday 23 March 2022
Time: 09:00 - 15:30
Monday 21 March 2022 and Wednesday 23 March 2022 - Events Room, Floor 2, Dar Ä użeppi Zahra, TAKEOFF Business Incubator, University of Malta
Tuesday 22 March 2022 - Campus Hub CHBO418 (08:30-12:30) and CHBO411 (13:00-14:30)
2022 edition of University of Malta SEA-EU Grants Week to be held between 21 and 23 March 2022
The second edition of the University of Malta Grants Week will be held between 21 and 23 March 2022. The event is organised by RSSD, MCST, SEA-EU, and COST CNC CSO.The event is designed to support early stage researchers in entering the world of funding opportunities. The event will also provide networking and collaborative opportunities with researchers from the SEA-EU network.
The event will feature speakers from the local NCPs, COST CNC CSO, the UM as well as European guest speakers from COST and the European Commission. Researchers with success stories will also be present to share their experiences and provide advice to prospective applicants.
Participation is free of charge and is possible in person only. Register early to avoid disappointment since the venue is limited to 50 participants.
Monday 21 March: COST Info Day
Tuesday 22 March: MSCA Info Day
Wednesday 23 March: Erasmus+ Day
The full programme is available. [Google doc]
Register now. Registration will close as soon as capacity has been reached.
For more information please send an email.