Event: TEDS Multiplier Event
Date: Thursday 22 September 2022
Venue: Lecture Theatre 1 (LT1) University of Malta
The University of Malta – through the Centre for Environmental Education and Research (CEER) – will be holding the Teacher education for sustainability (Teds) Multiplier Event on 22 September 2022 between 09:00 and 13:00 to share with policy makers, teacher trainers, teachers, educators, CSOs and others interested in acting for sustainability, the results of a three-year Erasmus + Key Action 2 project. This event is being held to coincide with Global Week to act for the SDGs.
We will be sharing our Teds learning within the context of this Global Week as an affirmation that “the power is in our hands to choose action over apathy, hope over fear, peace over conflict.”
Four training videos purposefully produced as part of the Teds process will be launched as a contribution to the new models required to take us beyond the old models that have not delivered effectively enough. The multiplier event is timed to take place during the UN General Assembly “to show world leaders that people around the world are committed, dedicated, and inspired to build a more just, sustainable and peaceful future for all.”
Apart from the launch of the videos and short talks, this event is an opportunity to act for the SDGs and “Flip the Script” from something negative to something positive. Teds will be suggesting its own sustainability messages while you can add your own. At the right moment, everyone holding a sign flips the negative black and white word or message into the colourful positive one. This will be captured using video and photo stills. Come as an individual or as a member of an organisation – you are a change maker in your own right. This Teds action will also be captured and visualized in the global SDG map which can be filtered down by country, region, SDG and sector, thus joining thousands of other actions taking place during the same week to show how collective action can lead to great change around the world.
The full programme and further information on how you can participate in acting for the SDGs will be sent at the very beginning of September. You can register your interest for this free event by sending an email either to Mr Censu Caruana or to Prof. Mark C. Mifsud.
09.00 Welcome and Registration
09.15 The significance of Teacher training for sustainability – the Teds experience. Prof. Mark Mifsud
09.45 Launch of 4 training videos purposefully produced as part of the Teds process, followed by feedback and an interactive session.
11.00 The power is in our hands to choose action over apathy, hope over fear, peace over conflict. Dr Vincent Caruana
11.15 Acting for the SDGs - “Flip the Script”. Participation in the Global Week to act for the SDGs. - Teds will be suggesting its own sustainability messages while participants will be adding their own.
12.30 Conclusion and finger food