Title: Current State of Relations between the European Union and Turkey - discussion
Date: Wednesday, 19 October 2022
Venue: Institute for European Studies, UM Msida campus
While relations between the European Union and Turkey have remained unchanged over the last few years as the latter’s accession process has been stalled, the Russian invasion of
Ukraine has impacted the dynamics between the two sides leading to considerable revaluation both in Ankara and Brussels. In fact, the just released Commission reports on the EU’s enlargement Policy and the country report on Turkey reflect this change as Turkey is identified both an accession candidate as well as a leading partner. As the war in Ukraine shows no signs of abating, the complexities between the EU and Turkey grow. This presentation will attempt to assess the current state of play between Turkey and the European Union, the challenges ahead, and posit certain ideas/thoughts on the way forward. To book your place, please send an email to Mr Stefan Bezzina.
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