Event: Birth Centenary Webfest
Date: Tuesday 5 December-Thursday 7 December
Time: 17:00(5 December) - 18:45(7 December)
Venue: Online by Zoom
The UNESCO Chair in Global Adult Education in the Department of Arts, Open Communities and Adult Education, Faculty of Education will on Tuesday 5 December, Wednesday 6 and Thursday 7, be holding a Birth Centenary Webfest celebrating the work and ideas of Don Lorenzo Milani, born a hundred years ago.
The three daily sessions will be in Italian and English to accommodate the presence of speakers from Italy and from other countries such as Australia, the USA and Malta.
The presentations are of half an hour each and there is a Q and A slot at the end of each session.
The pattern follows that of similar Webfests in previous years, Paulo Freire and Raymond Williams in 2021 and Julius Nyerere in 2022. As of next year, a new criterion will be introduced, in addition to Centenary years, as it is planned that both a Birth Centenary figure, Alberto Manzi, and a more recent anniversary figure, bell hooks, will be celebrated.
Registration for the free event is available online.
Tuesday 5 December 2023
Opening of Programme
17:00 CET Welcome by Dean, Faculty of Education, Prof. Colin Calleja
17:10 Minute silence in honour of Prof. Ronald G. Sultana
17:15 Overview of fourth web fest and UNESCO Chair activities, Prof. Peter Mayo UNESCO Chair Global Adult Education
17:30 Helen Cozmescu ‘Examining Literacy in Australia through the Scholarship of Don Milani’
18:00 Daniel Schugurensky Arizona State University, ‘From the School we have to the School we want. What can we learn from Barbiana’
18:30 Q and A
18:45 Domenico Simeone Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano, ‘La Scuola di Don Milani’
19:15 Emiliana Mangone, Università di Salerno, Da Don Milani a Paulo Freire. 'Una riflessione sull’ educazione E Gustizzia Sociale’
19:45 Q and A
20:00 End