Event: Conference on Inclusive Language and Accessibility
Date: Saturday 2 December 2023
Time: 09:00 - 13:00
Venue: Aula Magna, University of Malta, Valletta Campus
The Department of Translation, Terminology and Interpreting Studies and the Dipartiment tal-Malti have partnered with the EU Commission to organise a Conference centred around Inclusive Language and Accessibility as part of the Translating Europe Workshop Series promoted by the Directorate-General for Translation. The event is scheduled to take place this Saturday, December 2, from 09:00 to 13:00, at the Aula Magna Valletta University Campus.
Designed for Local Translators, Language Specialists, Researchers, Journalists, Content Writers, and Cultural and Artistic Entities, the Conference will address Inclusive Language and Translation, and Accessibility Within Local Media, Cultural Spaces, and the Arts.
The Conference will be offered in Maltese, English, and Maltese Sign Language. It will be inaugurated by the EU Commissioner for Equality, Dr Helena Dalli and will feature workshops and talks by distinguished guest speaker Prof. Jorge DÃaz Cintas (UCL), Dr Giselle Spiteri Miggiani from the Department of Translation, Terminology and Intepreting Studies, and other local speakers.
For reservation purposes, we kindly ask anyone interested to register for free through the website. Online participation is available.
The detailed programme can be found online. Further info can be made available by contacting the UM organisers Dr Giselle Spiteri Miggiani (by email) and Prof. Adrian Grima (by email).