Venue: Campus Hub Block O, Room 204, University of Malta Msida and Online (via Zoom)
This event which is being hosted by the Institute of Linguistics & Language Technology will be taking place at the University of Malta Campus Hub Block O Room 204 and online.
Speaker: Mr Mike Rosner (Department of Artificial Intelligence, University of Malta)
ENEOLI is an EU COST action whose main focus is Neology and Lexical Innovation with respect to a large number of languages. It has been argued that the study of Neology contributes to understanding the lexical system of a language, whilst from a broader perspective, an inventory of neologisms provides much information about language subcommunities and their underlying social fabric. ENEOLI addresses both of these aspects and attempts to develop a research network that focused on several themes including the conceptual framework of Neology itself, the mechanisms underlying lexical innovation and related tools and resources, the discovery of neologisms from corpora and comparative studies of Neology from diachronic and synchronic perspectives.
The presentation is aimed at a general linguistic audience and will give an overview of these different themes, highlighting not only the linguistic and computational perspectives but the prospects for bringing Maltese into the scope of studies envisaged. It will also give some indication of how COST actions are organised and how those interested can contribute actively.