Title: The National Energy Conference
Date: Thursday 24 October 2024
Time: 09:00 - 16:00
Venue: Villa Arrigo, Naxxar
Registration: Online
The National Energy Conference, with the theme ‘Digitalisation of the Energy System’, is being co-organised by the Energy and Water Agency (EWA) together with the University’s Institute for Sustainable Energy (ISE) this October.
Energy digitalisation is all about how the energy sector is adopting technology on a large scale, and ultimately rapidly transforming how energy is produced, distributed, and consumed.
There will be two panels, namely ‘Delivering a Digitalised Power System’ and ‘Intelligent Energy’, which will give attendees the opportunity to discuss the challenges presented to consumers through energy digitisation.
A third session will showcase the ongoing research projects by the EWA, the ISE and MCAST.
A Full Agenda, together with more information, are available through the dedicated website.