Venue: Arts Lecture Theatre
Astronomy - Prof. Joseph Caruana
Physics - Dr Connor Sant Fournier
Biology - Ms Erika Puglisevich
Anthropology - Dr Omar NShea
Literature - Dr Maria Theuma
The HUMS Symposia, now in their 12th year, bring together speakers from different UM Faculties to speak on a common subject from their different areas of expertise. This event will bring speakers from Astronomy, Physics, Biology, Anthropology and Literature to gaze at 'The Sun' from their own points of view.
As in all HUMS events, the audience is invited and encouraged to participate in discussions during and after over some light refreshments.
Our intention is to bring members of the many UM Faculties together to listen to each other and to get to know each other on a more personal and social basis as a foundation for potential future inter-disciplinary and inter-faculty collaboration.
The event is organised by the HUMS Board, and is being chaired and moderated by Prof. Clare Vassallo, from the Translation, Terminology & Interpreting Studies at the Faculty of Arts at UM.