The presentation will demonstrate that Maltese cartography can be a primary source in the study of various disciplines, including history, social and political studies, scientific advancement, industries and transportation. Maps will be analysed for what is included, what is missing, what is emphasised, what is correct or incomplete and what might be an invention of the cartographer. Maps can be printed or manuscript. A quick overview will be given on the printing techniques used in the production of maps.
This Seminar is part of the MAKS Research Seminar Series.
Speaker’s Profile:
He is a member of BMASK (Bord Maniġerjali Arkivju Storiku Katidral) and a member of the European Research Centre for Book and Paper Conservation, Austria. He was co-editor of the first festschrift in Malta Liber Amicorum Dr Albert Ganado in 1994, co-author of Andersen and Malta in 1991, Fine Bookbindings in 1999, German Malta Maps in 2011, The Brocktorff Mapmakers in 2012, Pre-Siege Maps of Malta 2nd Century A.D. - 1564 in 2016 and edited the book The Island of Malta and the Order of St John by Grigory Krayevsky in 2017.
He has written several articles on conservation and on cartography. In 2024, MAPCo-Re (The Malta Association of Professional Conservator-Restorers) produced a Festschrift in his honour titled Custos Divitiarum: Festschrift in Honour of Joseph Schirò.