Event: Seminar on ‘Neutrality in Conflicting Times'
Date: Monday 12 May 2025
Time: 09:00 – 16:00
Venue: Room 414, MAKS Building
This seminar considers the topic of Malta’s neutrality status in light of current geopolitical tensions in the Mediterranean and beyond. Whilst the issue of neutrality has been discussed from time to time in light of its constitutional implications, the present seminar extends the scope of the debate to consider elements of international law, the implications of neutrality on security for small states, the geopolitical reality of Malta, the challenge of pan-European security, the role of a concerned public and the prospect for long-lasting peace in conflicting times.
The seminar seeks to critically examine the implications of neutrality from various perspectives and will appeal to scholars and students interested in the psychological, social and political sciences, constitutional and international law, security studies, international relations and conflict resolution studies, amongst others.
Registration is available online.
Additional info is available by email.