An ongoing collaborative partnership project between the Junior College (JC) and Liceo Scientifico “Artistotele” in Rome resumed this school year, where two Italian teachers visited JC between 16 and 20 May.
The teachers had the opportunity to get familiar with the learning environment, as well as the different support services made available for our students. They followed lectures in various subject areas, which included the departments of Art & Design, Mathematics, Physics, Systems of Knowledge, Geography, PE, Marketing and Italian.
Informal socialisation is also important during this kind of experience, as it helps in strengthening collaboration and forming friendships.
This opportunity was made possible through Erasmus+ KA1 School Education programme funding.
The visit is coordinated by the JC International Office, which takes the opportunity to thank all Departments who have kindly collaborated and made this activity possible, as well as all the individual lectures who welcomed the Italian teachers in their classroom and gave in the extra time to meet and share their work.