Ejja u aqra, irrakkonta, esebixxi jew doqq xi ħaġa oriġinali. Kull poeżija, kanzunetta, ċajta, storja u l-bqija ma jridux ikunu itwal minn 5 minuti u tista' tkun b'liema lingwa trid. METAFORA huwa spazju ħieles fi ħdan il-Festival Multidixxiplinarju u Internazzjonali ĦOLQA, li se jittella' bejn il-11 u l-15 ta' Marzu 2024. Irreġistra hawnhekk.
Come and read, tell a story, exhibit or play something original. List your name down below. Each performance should not last longer than 5 minutes and can be presented in whichever language you wish. METAFORA (en. METAPHOR) is an open and safe space within the International Arts Festival ĦOLQA, which is going to be held between the 11th and the 15th of March 2024. Register here.