Game module final results in progress (Dr Nathaniel Massa, Department of Management)
Dr Nathaniel Massa at the Department of Management, has just concluded this academic year’s business game module with the current cohort of final year Honours students specialising in Management.
This game module is currently supported through collaboration with an established top-tier US business school, making use of their technology platform.
This game module forms part of a broader Business Simulation study unit run by Dr Massa – often in collaboration with other foreign universities and academic institutions. Earlier editions of the business game included visiting Professor Jean Grieu from the Institut Universitaire Technologique (IUT) at the University of Le Havre, France.
Incorporating a dynamic cross-functional business game module at its core, this synoptic simulation study-unit spans 2 semesters offering our Management Honours students a holistic, practice-based experience engendering hands-on learning by drawing from various management areas of specialisation in application.
Innovative in its approach, besides an extended game component involving students running their own businesses as cross-functional teams in competition, it also includes a rigorous reflective and researched individual assignment requiring exploration and critical evaluation of the applicability of the game experience, and business simulations in general, as a medium to promote and enhance academic as well as professional practitioner managerial development.
Dr Massa has been engaged in the setting-up, design and development of the Department’s Business Simulation study-unit since inception in 2008.