On the occasion of its 40th Anniversary the Faculty of Education, University of Malta, recently held a number of events on teacher education and educational research. One of these initiatives regarded the strategy of the faculty itself, geared to address the needs of a rapidly-changing educational scenario. This was carried out with the support of the University Rectorate, in particular through the direct intervention of Prof. Tanya Sammut Bonnici, Pro-Rector Strategic Planning & Enterprise.
On the occasion of its 40th Anniversary the Faculty of Education, University of Malta, recently held a number of events on teacher education and educational research. One of these initiatives regarded the strategy of the faculty itself, geared to address the needs of a rapidly-changing educational scenario. This was carried out with the support of the University Rectorate, in particular through the direct intervention of Prof. Tanya Sammut Bonnici, Pro-Rector Strategic Planning & Enterprise.
A second initiative was coordinated by the Malta Review for Educational Research, through the work of Prof. Carmel Borg, and provided a forum for reflection on the College system which has been introduced locally some years ago. Three researchers, Dr Mario Cutajar, Dr Sandro Spiteri and Dr Denise Mifsud, presented their doctoral research to College Principals and to local educational authorities, in the presence of the Hon Minister for Educational & Employment, Evarist Bartolo.
June 7th represented a special occasion for the Faculty of Education – besides organising a reception for present and past faculty staff, a publication was launched in order to honour one of the faculty’s foremost members, Prof. Frank Ventura, currently the Chairperson of MATSEC. The book, edited by Prof. Deborah Chetcuti, Dr Michael Buhagiar and Dr Martin Musumeci includes a number of works by Prof. Frank Ventura himself, as well as other papers dealing with Science Education, Astronomy and Assessment. It is entitled Reaching for the stars with a passion for Science and Education.
Finally, on 8 and 9 June the Faculty of Education organised the 'Teacher Education and Educational Research in the Mediterranean' (TEERM) international conference. This brought together educational researchers, policy-makers, educators and practitioners from Europe and beyond. This conference organised together with the Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Educational Research and the Malta Educational Research Association Conference addressed the increasing demand for a highly qualified workforce, able to actively engage in innovative social and work-related activities that can respond to the challenges of the modern society.
As the Dean, Prof. Sandro Caruana said in his opening address, the Faculty of Education’s mission and vision are clearly centred around the fact that one cannot compromise where education is concerned. He underlined the importance of long-term planning and of relying on evidence-based support when taking decisions related to education policy and planning. These, together with giving due respect to all educators, and recognising adequately the fundamental role they have in today’s society, are the hallmark of a successful educational system.
As the Dean, Prof. Sandro Caruana said in his opening address, the Faculty of Education’s mission and vision are clearly centred around the fact that one cannot compromise where education is concerned. He underlined the importance of long-term planning and of relying on evidence-based support when taking decisions related to education policy and planning. These, together with giving due respect to all educators, and recognising adequately the fundamental role they have in today’s society, are the hallmark of a successful educational system.
The TEERM conference represented an opportunity to strengthen the international dimension of the faculty, and to enhance its involvement in our society to the benefit of all educators and learners. More than 200 scholars participated in this conference, and they had the opportunity to engage with keynote speakers of the calibre of Prof. Carmel Borg, Prof Andrè Mazawi (University of British Columbia, Canada) and Prof Marilyn Cochran-Smith (Lynch School of Education, Boston College).
These events were attended by a number of local educational authorities, and were supported by Prof. Godfrey Baldacchino, Pro-Rector International Development & Quality Assurance, as representative of the Rectorate of the University of Malta.
These events were attended by a number of local educational authorities, and were supported by Prof. Godfrey Baldacchino, Pro-Rector International Development & Quality Assurance, as representative of the Rectorate of the University of Malta.