Students from the Department of Translation, Terminology and Interpreting Studies actively participated in this year’s Tradutech session.
The European project OTCT (Optimising translator training through collaborative technical translation) aims to enhance the professionally-oriented content of university translation degree programmes. Tradutech sessions are intensive collaborative technical translation sessions organised in simulated professional conditions and involving seven European universities, including the University of Malta. They are designed to confront students with real-life translation industry situations and problem-solving.
The 'Tradutech' approach of collaborative technical translation was an early successful experiment in this area, initiated and developed by Professors Daniel Gouadec (Rennes 2) and Hugo Marquant (Institut Marie-Haps, Brussels), in the late 1990s involving a number of European universities. Current online collaborative technologies make it possible to lead truly collaborative work between teams of students working simultaneously in different locations.
Students of the Department produced translation into their own language of one or several technical documents, with near professional deadlines and delivery specifications.
Prof. A. Aquilina was the coordinator of this project on behalf of the Department.