The Institute for European Studies and the Department of International Relations, Faculty of Arts, held the second of a series of research seminars, which focus on key issues in European and international politics. The aim of these research in progress seminars is twofold, to increase the research output of the University of Malta by presenting the state of the art research developed by resident and visiting members, and to identify gaps where further research is needed to support policy.
The second research seminar was delivered by Prof. Alberto Javier Báez-García from the Universidad de La Laguna in Tenerife (Canary Islands), visiting scholar hosted by the Islands and Small States Institute. Prof. Báez-García presented a paper entitled ‘Tourism policy in the Canary Islands. From the moratorium to a new age’. Dr Stefano Moncada, from the Institute for European Studies, acted as the main discussant, and started off the discussion among all participants.
Further research seminars are scheduled for the next months, with topics addressing, among others, ‘Women Politics in Saudi Arabia’, ‘The contribution of destination branding on public diplomacy efforts with references to Greece’. Ideas in Brown Bags will continue to bring together young and mature scholars from the University of Malta, and hosting distinguished guests from Universities and research centres from European and International Universities.