On 12 June, the Department of Nursing, organised a conference, Simulation in Education, as a final multiplier event of the Erasmus+ project, ISPAD, at the South Auditorium of the Faculty of Health Sciences.
The ISPAD project commenced in 2016 and will be concluded in August 2019. Led by the Department of Nursing, University of Malta, the project brought 10 nurse education entities from 6 different countries to work together towards the development of a training programme for educators in the use of simulation in teaching and learning and the development of a set of simulation educational resources for nursing students (NURSkit).
The conference was addressed by Pro-Rector Prof. Godfrey Baldacchino who highlighted the value and relevance of the use of simulation in today's world. It was attended by over a hundred educators and clinicians from outside the University of Malta, together with scores of educators from different faculties of the University of Malta.
Dr Clare Hawker, from Cardiff University, an expert in the use of simulation in nurse education, delivered a keynote speech which captured the interest of all those present. Dr Maria Cassar and Dr Anna Romakkaniemi presented their work on the development of a training programme for educators regards this approach to teaching. Prof. Alison Clancy from the UCD, Ireland informed the delegates regarding the NURSkit; its development by the project partners and its, scope , availability and recommended use. Dr Roberta Sammut and Mr Justin-lee Mifsud provided the findings of the evaluation research study which was carried out regarding the NURSkit. The evidence which was generated through this research study strongly suggests the impact of the NURSkit on students' learning.
Delegates were invited to participate in three parallel workshops in the afternoon. The three resource scenarios of the NURSkit were demonstrated to the delegates along the three workshops in the simulation teaching laboratories of the Faculty of Health Sciences.
Embracing innovation in teaching and leaning