“The University of Malta (UM) has always been proud to welcome all persons who have access requirements because of an impairment/medical condition/specific learning difficulties.” As stated in the guidelines, persons with access requirements may be students who satisfy the entry requirements of the UM and wish to continue their education at postsecondary and tertiary level as well as members of staff who require support during their working time on campus thus ensuring an inclusive community. Therefore, the creation of this document was crucial to UM’s aim which has always stood at supporting all of the institutions students and staff. Through the introduction of these guidelines, the University of Malta is aiming to facilitate the student not only when dealing with academic matters but also in relation to their time spent on campus grounds. This support will also be extended to all members of staff and any visitors.
These guidelines are and will be applicable for visitors, members of staff and students attending any of the activities and courses on the various campuses of the UM, including Junior College (JC).
A Press Conference was held on Thursday, 27 June 2019 at noon, in the Council Room, Rectors Quarters. The opening speech was carried out by the UM
Pro-Rector for Student and Staff Affairs and Outreach; Prof. Carmen Sammut, followed by the Commissioner for the Rights of Persons with Disability; Mr Oliver Scicluna, the UM Rector Prof. Alfred J. Vella and concluding with the Minister of Education and Employment, Hon. Evarist Bartolo.