Professor Eduardo Gonzalez-Mazo, the Rector of the University of Cádiz (UCA), Spain, accompanied by Professor Juan Carlos Garcia Galindo, UCA's Director General for External Affairs paid a courtesy visit to UM Rector Prof. Alfred J. Vella on June 20th. UM forms part of a six-university consortium titled SEA-EU, bidding for the title of a 'European University', and focusing on marine and maritime studies, and which is being led by the University of Cádiz. A Memorandum of Understanding between the two universities will be signed and Erasmus mobility agreements are being explored.
Prof. Mazo, an organic chemist, whose 8-year stint as Rector of UCA comes to an end next month, plans to spend a semester of his imminent sabbatical leave attached to the Department of Chemistry at the University of Malta. His sojourn here is being coordinated by Prof. Emmanuel Sinagra.
Photo shows Prof. Mazo (left) exchanging gifts with UM Rector Vella, with Prof. Godfrey Baldacchino, UM's Pro-Rector for International Development (right).