The Department of Technology and Entrepreneurship Education hosted the Pupils' Attitude Towards Technology international conference
Prof. Alan Deidun
Dr Ing. Emmanuel Francalanza and Prof. Ing. Jonathan Borg from the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
Prof. William Zammit and Dr Charles Farrugia presented papers during an international conference in Minsk
Rev. Dr Carl-Mario Sultana
A workshop to celebrate European Maritime Day
Dr Mark Anthony Camilleri
An intensive 12-month full-time taught course ideal for first degree graduates in Earth systems and other relevant science subjects
Academic year 2018/19 has been very busy for the Centre
6th International Congress of the SocietĂ di Didattica delle Lingue e Linguistica Educativa (DILLE)
SIntegraM has been nominated by the European Commission as an innovative project promoting Digital Transformation
Organised by the Science Students Society (S-Cubed)