Rev. Dr Nicholas Doublet, member of the Department of Church History, Patrology and Christian Archeology within the Faculty of Theology, has recently contributed to the new book 'Ta' Liesse'. Malta's Waterfront Shrine for Mariners'. Doublet's chapter is titled 'Our Lady of Liesse. The Development of a Hospitaller Cult in Malta', and explores the historical development of the devotion to our Lady of Liesse in Malta, from hospitaller times to the present day.
The new publication constitutes an essential step towards a better understanding of how local shrines shape every aspect of the area they are inserted in. Judge Emeritus Giovanni Bonello, who is the book’s general editor, describes Ta' Liesse church as "a unique time capsule of tradition, defiant spirituality, ancient legend, art, ritual, continuity and survival. Like antique centres of worship, a memorial to faith, hope and charity."
The 256-page large format hardbound book is published by Miller Distributors Ltd and is supported by the Grand Harbour maritime companies. All funds from this publication, which is complemented by over 370 images, will be going towards the restoration of the rest of the church’s paintings.