The network of assistive technology for an independent and functional life (NATIFLife) project recently held a networking meeting on the Google Meet platform. The meeting took place on the 30 September between 15:00 and 16:45 and was attended by the project members, twelve representatives from companies that are part of the NATIFLife network, and three representatives from invited companies. The project is funded by the Interreg Italia-Malta programme.
An overview of the objectives of NATIFLife, the platform architecture developed during the project, the various functionalities and the activities done by the University of Catania was delivered by Prof. Bruno Andò, the coordinator of the project. Prof. Carl James Debono, Dean of the Faculty of ICT, presented the contributions of the University of Malta, including research in monitoring elderly persons using depth information from stereo cameras, use of wearable vital sensors, and tracking of a walker, also known as walking frame.
Luca Porcaro from Viteco described the web platform developed during the project that allows remote monitoring and provides an alert system. Nadia Theuma from Paragon gave an overview of the demonstration site implemented in Mosta while Daniele Scalisi from Helios outlined the end-user demonstration done at an old people home in Adrano.
The presentations were followed by questions from the audience and a brainstorming session on the way forward in assistive domotics. The audience showed appreciation for the work done during the lifetime of the NATIFLife project. Industry interested in keeping in touch with the NATIFLife project can register on the networking portal.
The University of Malta researchers working on this project are Prof. Carl James Debono, Dr Joshua Ellul, and Mr Matthew Sacco, all from the Faculty of ICT.