Three groups departed last week for their summer experiences. They have settled in well and immediately got down to work.
The group for Naples left on 30 June 2023 and are organising a summer camp for local children with the Missionaries of Charity. The group for Albania left on Wednesday 5 July 2023 and is collaborating with a Parish to organise a summer camp for children in a mountain village called Sheldije. The group for Egypt left on Thursday 6 July 2023 and is also collaborating with the Missionaries of Charity in organising a summer camp for local children who live in a village where garbage is sorted and recycled. At the beginning of July other small groups started going to Rome weekly, to serve in Centro Astalli, a welcome centre for refugees and asylum seekers.
Further groups will leave for Ethiopia and Lebanon shortly.
The summer camp in Paola Friere Institue (PFI) Zejtun has also started this week, where a number of students are giving a helping hand together with a number of professionals, passing on different skills to local children and their families.
So far we have received very positive feedback from all the local leaders of the experiences who are very happy with the dedication of the volunteers. Students seem to be having a good time, learning through experience in meeting different cultures and backgrounds and social realities.
We shall welcome all of our students on 20 September 2023 with a mass and a welcome back gathering, starting at 19:30.