Leaders of the Master’s Programme Development Committee (MPDC) from the different Universities of the SEA-EU Alliance that make up the TURQUOOOISE project, met at the El Olivillo Business Transfer Center of the University of Cadiz, on the 15 and 16 of June with the aim of advancing in the development of the foundations of the future and innovative joint Master Programme in the Sustainable Management of Organisations.
The University of Cadiz hosted this second physical meeting (the first one took place in March 2023). It was attended by Prof. Godfrey Baldacchino and Prof. Edward Warrington from the University of Malta, along with other academics from the Universities of Western Brittany, Split, Gdansk, Nord and Cadiz. This meeting was the perfect stage for a real "transformation" of the TURQUOOOISE project, securing a significant commitment in vision, strategy and core curricular components of the proposed joint master’s degree. The objective is to launch the degree in October 2025.
During these fruitful days, the academics brought their experience and took advantage of each other's strengths and resources to exchange knowledge and shape the Programme learning outcomes, as well as other crucial aspects that are part of its structure such as curriculum, mobility, modalities of Internship, evaluation guidelines, among others.
What exactly is the Joint Master Programme in the Sustainable Management of Organisations?
It's the Master course which consists of a set of interlocking micro-credentials, almost all of equal ECTS value, that build on the two columns: management and sustainability. The course has been set for students from the SEA-EU universities who will set sail to complete the different programme learning outcomes (PLOs) over the various semesters. They also will have the opportunity to make a minimum of 2 mobilities in partner universities at the same time and complete studies awarded by more than 1 institution.
“After many months of discussion and probing, many of the missing pieces of the jigsaw puzzle have been identified and are now starting to fall into place. TURQUOOOISE has transitioned from an aspirational joint degree into one that is increasingly looking doable and attractive to both our potential students, and their potential employers” says Prof. Godfrey Baldacchino, MPDC member and coordinator of the TURQUOOOISE project.
The project is funded by the Erasmus Mundus Design Measures programme (ERASMUS-EDU-2022-EMJM-DESIGN) and ends in January 2024. Despite the palpable challenges, the progress of this Committee and other working groups has been substantial. It is hoped that in the remaining sessions, the Committee’s discussions and decisions will mould the educational pathway of future students, equipping them with the necessary skills and competencies that are intended to be achieved through this joint programme.