The recently-published book Xi Tfisser Tkun Bniedem? was presented to Rector Prof. Alfred J. Vella launched by the book’s editors Dr Kurt Borg (Department of Public Policy) and Mr Robert Farrugia. The editors discussed with the Rector the origins of this book, its main themes and the questions it raises on the question of being human.
The book, which originated as a series of programmes on Campus FM, presents conversations that the editors conducted with eleven academics engaging with the question: what does it mean to be human? From philosophy to spirituality, from politics to literature, from mental health to art, this book presents an inter-disciplinary dialogue that animates the different facets of what makes us human. The aim of this book is to make us appreciate the complexity of the human, and to reflect on the deep responsibilities we, as humans, have.
The book was launched on Friday 19 May at the Arts Lecture Theatre (ALT), Msida Campus.
Prof. Andrew Azzopardi, Dean of the Faculty for Social Wellbeing, describes the book as “tying together various important themes that all revolve around the notion of a conversation among humans, so as to enrich communities. In a gentle and fine way, this book presents complex ideas in a fresh and accessible language that will go directly into readers’ hearts.”
The book, published by Horizons Malta, is currently for sale from Mallia & D’Amato Bookshelf Curators, from Agenda bookshop outlets and website, or directly from Dr Kurt Borg.