The Recordings of the interventions of the Don Lorenzo Milani (1923-1967) Birth Centenary Webfest which was held on Tuesday 5 December, Wednesday 6 December and Thursday 7 December 2023, are now available in four parts.
They follow those of Paulo Freire 2021, Raymond Williams 2021, Julius Nyerere 2022, Ambedkar (from twin partner Kalyani University, West Bengal, 2023). Now Don Milani 2023. These are all, bar one, held under the aegis of the UNESCO Chair in Global Adult Education, Department of Arts, Open Communities and Adult Education under the direction of Prof. Peter Mayo. The one on Ambedkar was held under the aegis of this Chair's UNITWIN partner, the Department of Lifelong Learning at the University of Kalyani, Kalyani, West Bengal, India under the direction of Prof. Prasenjit Deb aided by Prof. Asoke Bhattacharya.
All are accessible on the UNESCO Chair in Global Adult Education website. As always the University of Malta UNESCO Chair recordings are carried out by Dr Joseph Vancell.