Students currently following the Master of Science in Applied Oceanography Course were off to Naples between Sunday 14 January and Wednesday 17 January, to meet with different marine and maritime stakeholders. This offshore visit was organised within the ambit of a Course Study-Unity, Hands-on Oceanography (GSC5502), which, as the title indicates, aims to immerse students within the practice of Oceanography.
The first stop in the itinerary was a visit to the Marine Protected Area – Gaiola Underwater Park. This is one of the most picturesque seascapes in Naples. It stretches from Borgo di Marechiaro to the Bay of Trentaremi. The site is unique as it concentrates volcanological, biological and historical/archeological features. Besides enjoying the very particular characteristics of this location, the students were also introduced to the challenges required to maintain the protected status of the area.
Next stop was to MAR.TE Logistics, a spin-off company of the Parthenope University of Naples, which deals with ports and logistics. Last, but definitely not least, the group visited the Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, and Naples Aquarium, which form part of one of the oldest and most influential research institutions in the field of marine biology and ecology. Here the students gained valuable insights into marine ecosystems and the importance of conservation efforts.
The University of Malta students were trained for commitments that they might be tasked with at professional level. The activities were organised Prof. Enrico Zambianchi, Prof. Yuri Cotroneo, Prof. Marcello Risitano and Prof. Gabriele Sampagnaro from the University of Parthenope with the support of the host University’s SEA-EU office.
Participants from the Master course in Applied Oceanography were accompanied by Dr Adam Gauci and Ms Audrey Zammit from the Department of Geosciences within the Faculty of Science.
The Course is offered by the Oceanography Malta Research Group within the same Department and is coordinated by Prof. Alan Deidun. This full-time Course is offered annually and more information about the Course can be obtained from the course web page.
This offshore visit was made possible through the European University of the Seas (SEA-EU) alliance. This alliance comprises nine Universities, including the University of Malta and the Parthenope University of Naples. Prof. Alan Deidun is the Rector's Delegate for SEA-EU, whilst the UM SEA-EU Office, headed by Ms Maria Calleja, is based within the RSSD.