Diving right into 2024 after such an eventful year, won’t come easy for many. One thing we can say with certainty is that this year is going to be transitional, dynamic and impactful for the University of Malta community.
The world is ever-changing, the technology is ever-progressing, and societies are ever-evolving, and so, as we turn our gaze to 2024, Newspoint has asked UM’s Pro-Rectors to offer their insights and expectations for the year that bears a lot of promise.
"Our University is a dynamic institution integral with the diverse communities that surround us. This continues to lead us to explore, change and adopt new ideas, and build new bridges with enthusiasm.
Our students, near and distant, are a leading raison d'ĂŞtre for our University and together we strive to give them the best opportunities, support and protection.
The mental health of our students and staff continues to be a priority, and this incoming Year should see us strengthen our commitment to safeguard their well-being.
The New Year should see us all care more about the people that we serve, and those we work with; to show that correct professional distance and respectful kindness are not mutually exclusive."
"With respect to International Development, this year we will harness our capabilities to build on the healthy connections that we have with the outside world, capitalise on past achievements in this sphere and strive to expand the opportunities for international sharing, cooperation, and exchanges. Broadening strategic collaborations with international partners should be intended to expand the learning experiences and skill set development of our students and staff and to create new opportunities for the University of Malta to collaborate with international entities.
With respect to Quality Assurance, the past year showcased our collective strength, resilience, and commitment to excellence, notably during the External Quality Assurance audit. This year we plan to conduct 37 programme reviews and stakeholder commitment remains vital for the success of periodic programme reviews. Challenges ahead, like developing a Business Intelligence unit and maintaining global rankings, demand continued tenacity. As we enter 2024, teamwork, professional dialogue, and collaboration with all stakeholders (particularly with students and KSU) are crucial for success. Together, our collaborative efforts will uphold a commitment to excellence and continuous improvement."
"I start my message for 2024 by thanking all our academics and researchers for their support and dedication to research and innovation at our esteemed university. I am confident that this new year shall bring with it more successes on this front through increased external funding for projects, high-level publications, innovative results and discoveries, additional doctoral students, and a stronger engagement of our research endeavours with the needs of society and the complex world that we inhabit. I also look forward to a greater commitment to cross-disciplinary research collaborations that hold promise for the emergence of richer ground-breaking discoveries from our vibrant research community."
"The midpoint of the academic year coincides with the New Year on the calendar. During this period, we will consolidate our endeavours to enhance student services at the Health and Wellness Centre to promptly address the growing demand. The Equity Office, in collaboration with FICS, will focus on implementing the University's Equity Plan, involving students in the process. Additionally, there will be a campaign advocating the University's steadfast stance against sexual harassment, bullying, and other forms of harassment. This initiative will encompass training for staff. Noteworthy among the ongoing changes faced by academia is the swift expansion of artificial intelligence, impacting various facets of academic life that will require more attention during 2024."
"I sincerely hope that we can all use our time wisely and compassionately to motivate, strengthen and support all members of the University community - students, academic, administrative and technical staff. It is only by looking out for each other, collaborating and working together respectfully can we move forward on a personal as well as a collective level and address challenges which will undoubtedly crop up."