On Thursday 25 January 2024, the Chief of the Member of the Secretariat to the Deputy Minister of Education of Thailand, Dr Kamol Rodklai, together with his delegation, were warmly welcomed to the University Msida Campus by Professor Alfred J. Vella, Rector of the University.
Dr Rodklai and his delegation visited UM whilst in Malta to attend the 9th ASEM (Asia-Europe) Education Ministers Meeting, for interregional cooperation on education between the two continents.
The visit was organised through the support of the Ministry for Foreign and European Affairs and Trade and the Ministry of Education, Youth and Research in collaboration with the Ray Thai Embassy in Athens, Greece.
During the course of the meeting, Prof. Vella and Dr Rodklai engaged in dialogue on common perspectives on education and research. Assoc. Prof. Dr Pasit Lorterapong, Deputy Permanent Secretary for Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation provided a brief overview of the higher education landscape in Thailand and areas of interest that could be identified through further interactions. This was welcomed by Prof. Ing. Simon G. Fabri, Pro-Rector for Research and Knowledge Transfer.
The meeting served as an opportunity for the delegation to get acquainted with the set up and offerings of the UM, its local and international standing. Ms Stefania Agius Fabri, Director of the International office provided an overview of international student figures and current collaborations with Thailand. Also present for the meeting was Ms Victoria Gauci, Deputy Director of the International Office.
Upon this meeting, the UM Rector expressed the significance in strengthening educational and cultural ties between Malta and Thailand.